KO Warrior is a leader in cryptoboxing and separates itself from others in boxing who have yet to fully discover the power of combining cryptocurrency investment and boxing. Juan Luckey, promoter of KO Warrior Promotions, self-coined the term “cryptoboxing” to describe how cryptocurrency has the power to transform boxing as you have never seen before. To give you some background, it is recommended that you read our previously published article on cryptoboxing to get up to speed on how cryptocurrency has transformed the industry.

Don’t Follow the Misguided Corrupted WBC
The WBC recently announced another worthless title belt for Amir Khan Promotions which will be awarded to crypto traders, not even boxers, during this event. Jose Suliaman, president of the WBC, has single-handedly ruined boxing for everyone. Suliaman is the type of person who robs and scams people, denies any wrongdoing, then goes eat chicken wings and plays golf without blinking an eye. This type of callous, no-conscience, narcissistic behavior is typical of someone who inherited everything from his dad and never had to work for anything. This is why Jose Suliaman and Bakla Baham Mitra are such good friends when doing crimes and dirty boxing in the WBC.
The WBC Crypto Belt is a Joke
Jose Suliaman thinks he can make a WBC belt for anything now. His so-called “Crypto Belt” for Amir Khan does not represent what true cryptoboxing is about. The WBC is not trying to encourage boxers to learn more about crypto. The WBC does not encourage crypto promotion. The WBC thinks earnings from crypto should go to charitable contributions instead of going to purse money to feed boxers’ families. It is already clear that the WBC makes belts for everyone. This sanctioning body is now watered down and a total joke to boxing. The WBC is the worst.

KO Warrior Cryptoboxing Investment
KO Warrior is taking the lead in worldwide boxing by bringing cryptocurrency to the poorest boxers and even amateur boxers, no matter where they are in the world. Boxing promoters who want to finance their own promotions, instead of relying on the traditional methods of sponsorship and pay-per-view, will benefit from KO Warrior Cryptoboxing consultancy.
How? You need to learn. Cryptocurrency is easy to set up and learn if you are willing to spend a little time to understand a bit about it. This means you have to learn something new about boxing finance that you may have never heard of before. If you lack money in boxing, like most people do, you will benefit in your career or even as an investor by learning cryptoboxing.
Cryptocurrency is still new and when cryptoboxing is mentioned, it flies right over people’s heads. It is still not adopted by everyone and people often have negative assumptions by assuming that it is a risk. Yes, all investments have risks but KO Warrior will always minimize risks just like we do in the ring with our boxers.
If you want to learn more about cryptoboxing and how to make money in boxing with cryptocurrency, contact KO Warrior.